Our therapeutic massage sessions are going to target pain in the body.
The relaxation massage sessions are more about creating a sense of peace and a time to be still.
Our intuitive massage sessions blend the benefits of both, meaning that you will feel very relaxed and have therapeutic modalities blended in to eliminate pain.
Myofascial work is best for chronic pain or structural misalignment. It allows the body to be held to slowly unwind in a very subtle way yet gives lasting results.
Reiki is the Universal Life Force and allows for the recipient to receive healing straight from Source! Whatever you may call your higher power or form of connection to Spirit, we take a moment at the beginning of the session to check in with who or what you pray to so that we can be a channel for your way of religion/spirituality. It is also within our knowing that we are connecting to the energy that goes beyond names yet we want this modality to be approachable for all walks of life and honor everyone’s path.
Sound Healing is utilized to create balance and peace. These sessions work directly with our consciousness as we are accessing the brain wave states and shifting into theta, where the conscious and subconscious mind meet. This allows for a clearing of old patterns, thoughts, memories and or traumas and an opening for new energy and frequencies to integrate into the energetic and physical body.